Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Best Remedies for Healthy Nail

Do not be upset when you find that your go to bed at night, rub olive oil or petroleum jelly on your nail. This will make your nail bright and strong. Those who are getting the problem of nail breaking, use nail hardener as the nail polish base. Sometimes you find spots on your nail; this is the result excessive use of nail polish and nail remover, Use nail polish after 3 to 4 days. 




Best Remedies for hair and skin in sunny days In sunny days:

Best Remedies for hair and skin in sunny days In sunny days; we sweat a lot. So drink enough water to keep your skin clean. When you go out ,use umbrella .





Use sun skin cream also eat fruit juice and eat those fruitier which are juice such as watermelon. 






Saturday, October 24, 2015

Make your Hair stronger 03

During summer, we need to take extra best care for our hair and skin.Eat fruit juice more in these days. Bring fresh fruits at home daily and make juice which is good for your health. Use shampoo and conditioner after one day.





 In summer, use oil on your hair for at least two days. It will work as conditioner deeply. Mix a little lemon serum with oil. It will help to keep your hair dandruff free. 



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Natural Remedies for Dry Hair

When your hair becomes dry, you need extra care. 

Make a hair pack at home to get softer hair. Make a pest of banana which is very much useful for your hair. Mix one spoon of honey, one spoon of almond oil, one spoon of milk with it. Then message it on your hair wholly. Wash your hair with shampoo after one hour. This pack will make your hair more soft and smooth .Keep your hair clean Which is helpful to decrease many problems of hair.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Make Your Hair Strong 03

When your hair is healthy, then it will grow. Use hair oil at least once in a week to make your hair strong. Emblica is very good for hair to make hair strong


Make some pack at home and use it on your hair.

 o To repair damaged hair, use sour curd and with emblica on your hair. 



o Alo vera is the most useful natural element for hair. Mix alo vera with emblica and try it on your hair .It will work as conditioner. Try it to get a softer hair. 



o You can use a pack of honey and milk on your hair who have dry hair. 



o Donot use onion serum on your hair directly. Because the acid that exists in onion, can do harm your hair. So, mix sour curd with it and use it on your hair. 


o Mix Lemon serum, tea liker , water and make conditioner for your hair. Use one of these packs once in a week. After 30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. See the difference of your hair after using the pack. 


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Make Hair Stronger 02

Make your hair bright and stronger using hair packs made by your own.
Use it twice in a week.
Give extra care to your hair to hold the brightness of hair. 



Mix some natural elements such as three spoons of honey, five spoons of olive oil. Message it on your hair .Wait for 30 minute. Then wash with Shampoo. If you have the problem of hair damage, you can use it undoubtedly. It will help you to make your hair more bright.